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Have you ever felt so desperate to the point where you have to beg just to stay ahead in life ?
well that's me Ive reached a point in my life of absolute sheer DESPERATION and I can't seem to get myself out of it
no matter how ahead of life I think I am out of no where I get struck down but I usually am able to get back up just this time I can't seem to do that I'm stuck on struggle street with me and my dog (his name is Goliath)
we were once a family of 3 Me (Marie) Goliath and Coco but now we are 2
Coco passed away close to the end of last year he passed due to kidney failure he was only 1 and a half it was something that I never saw coming he looked and acted like there was nothing wrong
but one day he got sick and in a matter of weeks I had to put him to sleep as the vet told me there was nothing they could do and the kindest thing I could do for him was to have him euthanised
long story short I did not have pet insurance (yes I know silly me)
all up $8599 AUD including cremation and his Urn
on top of that I have a home mortgage that I'm trying my hardest to keep (I work 2 jobs) I was doing so well but with the cost of living increase etc I fell behind on my mortgage and now the bank is threatning to take me and Goliaths home from us so I am here to beg for anything I can get to keep a roof over our heads and to keep me and Goliath together ( I love him so much ) Im not usually the person to ask for help usually I'm on the other end but now ive reached "desperation mode" and have landed myself here unfortunately
even if it is just a dollar you can donate it will be so much appreciated and to all that donates I wish the universe to pay you back abundantly for your kind and giving heart for helping me and Goliath to stay out of struggle street I will be sure to pay it forward once I get back on my feet xx
thank you so much , Marie

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