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-We all have pain. Loss of function is the problem.

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-We all have pain. Loss of function is the problem.

I find myself in a unique time, in my life, where I cannot receive the aid I desperately need.
At this time of writing I am 51 years of age. My emergency room visit , last year, was proof, finally of my resurrection November 2, 2017. The attending doctor reviewed my blood and urine analysis. The doctor asked me, “Why are you here?” This was a hard question to answer as I so wanted to tell all that happened but I stayed true and described what was currently wrong with my body. I informed him of the seven holes in my abdominal wall, my torn Achilles tendons, my right calf muscle’s sheath is pulled up from the tear of the tendon and up one third of my calf; every night my dermis will grow attached to the exposed muscle. Walking tears the skin painfully away. Of my lower spine, one of the disc’s has ruptured. The three above the ruptured disc are bulging. There is damage on the full right half of my body. A parasitic organism pushing my left eye out; the back side of the monster, is pressing on my brain. This is why I was here. The repeated feeling of pain and tearing of muscle, tendon and ligament. The numbing of the left side of my face, the octal migraines and a new featured brain fog thanks to the monster trying to hide its presence. The issues, presented to my present doctor, were only the ones that I believed I needed a doctor’s assistance. After presenting these issues he informed me that I did not need a hospital stay but a few general surgeries and a specialist or two. I fell into a black hole. This ER. visit was supposed to bring help. I found you visit a hospital for bringing in new life, try to extend a life, or aid in departing this life. I needed none of these. The doctor confirmed my pain was real then stated, “The reason I asked was your urine test.” “The result came back that of a nine year old.” “The process was clean, no way to mix up a sample and it had been , per hospital records, no one near nine years old had visited this hospital in six months.” He also stated, “No one, in the history of medicine, at the age of 50 , has been able to produce a sample that tests as a nine year old.” Further proof of my death and the love of our God; maker of the Heavens and Earth who must need me. He brought me back yet I am in no way the man I once was before the event. I did not choose to be here in East Texas. The man I was before my arrival was in great physical shape. My diet was clean and organic, I attended a gym and worked for a major telecoms company. To carry a 28ft extension ladder, from off the top of my work van, to the pole and back is a great work out. To attempt to exercise now is a risk to my life. I have purpose now. I cannot take risks that may injure me further. I need control of my life once more.
I have a plan but you will need to read further and I am thankful you made it this far.

-The song was a lie

I married the wrong woman. Jimmy Soul’s song, “If You Wanna Be Happy” felt like a lie. I had no idea half Croatian and half English would create a monster; one that was a wonderful actress. She was not the prettiest but I thought I saw a beauty in her. I married her quick as an exit tragedy. Once married, my wife started removing the mask I had fallen in love with. Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic behavior and Histrionic behavior. This was not the woman I married. My wife was an awful clone of my mother. How Freudian of me. She slowly was disposing or selling my personal positions. My great grandmother’s watch was a poke of a stick in an open wound. There are so many iconic things but I had to come to the conclusion that I will not being taking material items with me into the afterlife. It just hurts to know I was again not loved, mentally abused and extorted. She reveled to me, on a date night, at a nice restaurant, that she wanted a divorce. I was not surprised and a bit relieved. I sat silent and ate my food. She brought me home then left. She had already packed her bags and was headed to her mother’s home. I had lost my job the week before.

Two years, before the divorce, I had a Merkel cell carcinoma tumor growing on my right temple. I kept my cancer quiet but it was so bright blue. I was provided, by a colleague and dear friend, a natural solution. I prayed that it would work. The cancer was destroyed about a year before the divorce. The tumor is gone. It has now been a week since my wife left. I was angry. I thought we were building a life together. Instead she was using me to escape her mother. Two people with abusive parents, should have not been together. I choose not to be abusive, to my wife, my wife wanted to keep her mother’s abusive behavior on boil and was sure to splash me with that hot water around the clock. She, like my mother, would be angered if I saw a doctor for anything. She would mock me as if I was spending too much trying to live a longer life. I have central sleep apnea. There is no drug, no surgery that will resolve this. I was diagnosed as a back sleeper as well. The problem is when I roll to my back, my throat closes shut. I have had this since I was born. The sleep study, 3 years before the divorce, showed I would fight to breath. I wanted to live; sleep apnea can lead to cardiac arrest. I was prescribed a CPAP machine. Using that for one week and I had more energy, was able to do more and did not tire out so fast as I had all my life. I was still condemned for having to spend that money. This was done over anything that would improve or better my well being. She had her mental weapons of war. I was just trying to keep us a float and seeking any avenue to escape. Here we are again. Different face but similar abuse. My Ex-wife forced me out of my home. It did not matter how much she took from me, how my name was not on the title of the home and breaking the law. I was an hour and fifteenth minutes late to the divorce hearing. My court paper stated I was early. My now Ex-Wife had rescheduled and I was not updated. I know she knew she would have a hard time if I presented evidence of her wrong doings: Staying out late, not answering her phone, Moving out of our bedroom and into the guest room. She did this to hide that she was was sleeping with the neighbor down the street. I did not find this out till much later.

-Friends are so much better than family.

Therapy states that should not be yet it is my reality and I am sane as humanly possible. I understand my autism now and I make the best use of it I can. You will find below that God is not only alive but will save you from certain death if he knows he needs you on his team down on this Earth. I tell the whole truth , the full truth and nothing but the truth so help me based on my immortal soul that dwells with the Lord and I in this flesh I was blessed with. This is a witness of God and Jesus’s love and power. I never understood what love was and Jesus not only saved my life but taught me what love really is. It can conquer all. I am alive because of his grace and the miracles he has blessed upon me. I dare not speak nor print a lie.

My wife had seen the tumor; I caught her looking at it. I never brought it up and she ignored it. I would later find out she had called my mother and indirectly threatened to end my life. Why would skin cancer concern her if she was lastly to threaten to murder me? My mother may have “made-up” that phone call but I went with it; it gave me peace on that note. At the time the colleague spotted the tumor and asked what it was. After my description, he placed his hand on my shoulder and stated, “I got you. We will talk tomorrow.” That next day changed my life and proved there is medicine naturally growing for, in my opinion, to cure any ailment. I found it is complicated. You cannot take from nature’s bounty, for a cure, then eat horribly.
Remember, I was on a clean and organic diet. That colleague was not just that but became a friend.

It has been a week since I was served the divorce papers. Hindsight is always 20/20. I could have been packing my treasures but, with her gone, I started to go out and live. The four years of mental manipulation, the draining of all savings and paying the bills. She could have helped. I had plans for investments. I was paper trading and making a killing! That was a huge warning sign. I have a talent for the stock market. She made sure I had no money to invest. She just needed me as a stepping stone for independence. There was a knock at the door. Six police officer’s, four firefighters and two paramedics were at my door. I had went out the previous night and played pool and drank a bit too much. I had sent the wife an angry email of how we almost never went out and when we did she faked her anxiety and made events miserable. She countered my email with the welfare she called in. I had to let them in. I was already drinking. All the decorated officers positioned themselves around the room. The firefighters and paramedics stayed outside. The one, under-decorated, officer wondered off into my living room. It was a closed-in garage that was once a dance studio but now a television room that featured my naturally grown cure. This new officer ran in the front fireplace room shouting of what he found. Now I did not know how many friends I had made. I have, and realize, I have not been this way for me but for God. I have helped carry groceries for those that could not, I have always had children come to me when lost and I make darn sure they get back to the right parent; usually happens in grocery stores. I have been quick to pick up things that people drop. Although I am six foot and four inches tall, very lanky with a deep voice, I found, on my own that being king to all reaps a reward as long as you are doing so for God and not just your self. I have also saved two lives and what friends have said I have probably saves much more of how I can help people just by speaking with them. I did not see this coming but the Lieutenant , of the police force, in my home spoke loud to make sure the new officer was listening. The Lieutenant stated, to the rooky, “This man has cancer. He has also lost his job and his wife is divorcing him for both! You did not see what was in that room as this is not a search and seizure but a well-fare check! You did not see it nor speak about it. You were NOT in that room! Got it!” The rooky replied, “I got it sir, I was not in there nor did I see anything.” The Lieutenant asked all to leave and came to me. He shook my hand and apologized for disturbing me. He stated, “I also want you to know we are very sorry to hear of your situation but I know and will pray it will all get better.” How did he know of what happened to me? No clue to this day but I give God the glory for that. I was spared but with more proof my marriage was a lie.

-I am sorry father. I was just a small boy. I wish I could go back with a different answer.

I would not answer my phone the day my father passed away. I had married to get away from my mother. The voicemail, from her and in a sopping and screaming voice stated, “You father has died, get over here quick!” My wife had really messed up my head. She had a master’s in psychology. My mother had attacked my younger brother’s marriage and mine as well. Between my wife’s brain washing and my mother’s former lies, manipulation and abuse, I did not believe my mother. This was at first. It was a Saturday and I had been asleep. I went to the kitchen for coffee; it was already made; set it up the night before. After finishing my homemade mocha should I call my mother back or go for a cigarette? Yes, I went outside for a cigarette. I still did not believe my father was dead but instead thinking this was yet another cry for attention or con of my mother’s. I had not spoke with her in months and was thankful. Her plus my wife was overload. I called my mother back and confirmed my father had passed. I tried very hard to block it. I had recently, in therapy, found my father was not a bad person, he was VERY abused, by his father, thus he did not get close to his children. My mother also poisoned us into thinking my father was bad. How could he be? A man with a master’s degree in business. While working a white collar and high paying job he still worked a water meter reading service on the weekends; working 12 hour days. We hardly saw him.

I was a curious kid with zero social skills. I would not be diagnosed as a high functioning autistic until the beginning of the last year of my marriage. Coupled with AD-HD, in was no wonder I could excel but only at the things that interested me. Some classes I got an A as the letter grade. Other subjects I struggled with. I was great in chemistry, biology, geometry, english ligature and health. I understood the relation of chemistry to biology. While growing up and in the later 20 years of my Father’s life, I tried to get close to him but my mother would prevent that. I always remembered what he asked of me when I was nine years old. I never brought up my answer since then but I deeply regret it. My father would take no advice on diet. All my mother’s meals were recipes for cardiac disease. My father wanted to die. He would eat as it “makes me feel better.” His fast-food diet and my mother’s cooking would take his life. When I was nine, he came to me and asked to move out with him. He stated we would be in an apartment and I would still go to the same school. I was blinded by what was broadcast on the television and from what I learned in grade shool. I told him families should stick together. A team can do more then just the two of us Dad! I was thinking of my brother and mother. Looking back I knew nothing else. I only knew how my mother and father treated the family. Me at my current age of 51 would have definitely said yes. He just walked away from me, back then, and never spoke of it again. I had blamed myself for allowing my mother to continue to abuse him and I would leave the home to escape her. I know my father is in a better place. I cannot say how as it is very personal. I know he is thankful to be where he is and does great things for God. I almost joined him, if not for God.

- Survived cancer and the ex-wife. Now I have to move in with monsters?

I was happy to meet my mother’s new husband Billy. He was very county western and dressed like it. He made my mother laugh and was firm about not approving of what my wife had done and was very glad I came back to my mother. Borderline Personality Disorder is suppose to fade when the diagnosed becomes older. I would find out this was true yet being Histrionic and Narcissistic had not changed. The same queen of gas-lighting. Here I am again; a place I did not want to be.
This is a list of Third Degree Felonies that have been committed to me:

1) Colorado: Sold my 2003 Honda Accord station wagon the day she also drained my credit union bank and savings account. We fought. Looking back I should have called my father or the sheriff’s department. She is a gas-light professional. I removed a page of text regarding my car; I wrote a page and am trying to save you time by removing it. It was paid for and in perfect running condition. The Sentence, if I press charges on her, and If convicted: 25 years in Colorado prison. No statute of limitations. NONE! I have fought with this one as it haunts me what the loss of that car did to me.

2) Attempted Murder: Food Poisoning / Mixed Cascade Dishwasher detergent with black-eyed peas. It was being mixed, by her, in her blue plastic snap on lid bowl; half a gallon I think.
I am not fully knowledgeable on reactions of dish detergent and the body. I found the result was due to a destruction of all the Vitamin C in my body. A rarely known fact, as I found out first hand, if you loose all your Vitamin C all scar tissue of the body breaks down and is absorbed. This resulted in almost loosing my sight in my right eye as my lens tried to escape and reality on my right side went all fish-eyed-lens looking. I had LASIK surgery on both eyes years ago. My corneas were held in place by scar tissue. I quickly brought my hand to my eyes and used fingers to keep the cornea down under my right eye lid. As this happens, 7 of the 8 inches of my abdominal surgery began to separate. The pain was beyond a level 10 but at that moment I was put into sleep. Seven hours later I awoke but was worried to open my eyes. I was able to and thankful. I then checked my incision and a wonder , a miracle, something impossible. There is no way flesh can generate in 7 hours. 7 of the eight inches of the incision were exactly 3/8 of an inch open but filled with translucent but cloudy flesh and I could see all these new capillaries. Amazed I attempted to touch/feel what this was like and I received an electrical shock on the newly formed and filled in flesh and my right index finger. I looked up and thanked my Lord, my savior. Month’s later the 7 of those inches look nearly as there was no incision. That last inch is still raised. This is proof God can heal so much better than the best surgeon on this earth. I had a checkup and the surgeon spent several minutes examining my scar. It was looking now like fully developed skin that had not been once cut. It just looked newer than the skin on each side. I chose not to tell him what happened. God’s abilities are limitless. I am fully aware(!) if this did not happen to me, and it happened to someone else, then I heard their story, I would have a hard time believing them. I will happily raise my shirt and show anyone God’s miracle yet upon request of course. Being a private and modest man is something that know was how I was created to be. I am writing for help. I know God needs me for something. This is a witness of God’s miracles and a cry for help. This is real. I have physical proof. It cannot be denied. I just feel I did not have the opportunity to choose my Mother and Sister. I love them because she is my mother and my sister is my sister. They have more than provided food and shelter for me as I cared for my mother’s dying husband. I do have a problem with the attempts on my life though how it has hurt me physically. I am refusing anger because God has helped me rise above it. I am thankful I have help from God and my doctors thus far. The holes in my abdomen have been repaired by a 90% mesh on both sides of the flesh my abdomen wall. Most of the holes, in my abdomen wall, were not that large but the one on the lower left of my belly was large and required a truss to hold my bowls in or else would bulge with great pain.

3) Attempted Murder: Is it medication tampering or poisoning again. Something very toxic was in that Vitamin C capsule. Never trust supplements, even from your supposed loving family members, if the safety seal(s) are missing. There were four, flip top, bottles, in a box, and all were missing the safety seals. They did a good job because I could not tell there were any safety seal previously installed. Each was a color of the fruit and or vegetable that had been dehydrated, powdered then put in a capsule. Three of the supplements were like this. The Yellow was liquid. I know this was the one. It was about a third a way I into the bottle. It was quite the event. I took them before bed as I had junk all day. I woke about 45 minutes later to being assisted, at a fast as possible pase, to the sink where I was very sick and something was squeezing out my stomach with such force its contents exited my mouth as if a high pressured water hose. As and adult, tall and lanky, I do not have the ability to vomit. It is not possible. I have experienced this and on more then one occasion. But this was projectile and had an odor I could not understand nor define but it was a bit overwhelming. Orange and battery acid? It was hard to define. It finally stopped and I nearly was in flight when I got and sat upon the toilet. High pressure on my abdomen and the bowl explosion was as if my tail end was a high pressure water hose. The poison was literally squeezed out of me. This is the third time God has saved me from a poisoning. The first poisoning was a , and to keep my horrid story short, was rat poison from a cleaning accident. I remember this in great detail; true horror tends to burn in. I wish to save you from this but willingly provide full disclosed detail upon request and if you are so kind to donate to my battle plan which you will find honorable despite when has been done to me.

The food tampering and supplement tampering were planned and executed by my Mother and Sister.
I assume they were both in on hurting my pet Emmett. Daughter like Mother. God does love me. He has proven time and time again. I have not acted out with any form of vengeance as our Lord has lifted this burden from us. This is why I am asking for your help. I need your help and I know God led me here and thankful you are reading as he has shown me the path. I found my mother has a life insurance policy on me. After Billy passed, COVID, my 8 month long job is moved overseas and the unemployment runs out. I cannot find a job online nor anywhere as my back does not want me to sit very long. Their mistaken. What has happened to me disabled me and I am very injured. They mistake this for some kind of laziness. In no way. I have done much of the lifting and moving of furniture in this house. Installed all sorts of light fixtures and TV mounts some that just weigh too darn much for one man. This is why my back is blown and the rest bulged. So they get this insurance policy, more evidence, my Lord what is their issue? They try to take my life twice. They do not believe I died the first time as I had locked my self in my room for days as the first death had me looking a bit zombie like. By day 3 I went down stairs. I was in too much pain and was not ready to reveal my resurrection. I knew how they would treat me none the less. I have fought for survival, thankful for God’s amazing healing and poison squeezing out of me.

4) Killing a pet / My sister poisoned my pet with her prescribed diuretic then bald faced lie to me, and I quote: “I think someone poisoned your dog”. Innocent face and all. She was a great actress but I define this bat crap crazy. For the last 3 hours I have been constantly yelled at and even assaulted because I had to put down the best dog I have ever had. I learned later they were using anger as a mask to hide the fact of what they had done. With my dog having a broken vertebra and part of his hip fractured from Billing falling on him 3 years prior, kidney failure was too much for my boy to handle. Just like me he was hurt and seeing terror on a dogs face and I would not let my fur son suffer any longer but, he was an amazing animal. A rare middle back dog that we think was part pitty and blue healer. He had large blue patches on his skin which could only we seen when he got a bath. His coat was off-white with orange spots and full orange ears. Add black whiskers and a black nose and he was a handsome boy. I ,as an autistic, loved dogs. He was a true friend. He loved pizza crusts and would even bribe you with vocalizing in his best dog voiced “I love you” that had shocked my mother and sister and I the day we were eating restaurant style take home pizza in the kitchen. He was easy to train. He knew how to heal, sit, stay, retrieve and hold. A command to keep him from shaking off the water , in his fur, from a bath. This was great as it gave me the seconds I needed to get a towel on him to avoid being drenched in dog fur water.

I have loaded my dog into my car after 3 days of no sleep. I was employed at this point in time and I could not sleep as Emmett had developed, all of a sudden, a limitless thirst and need to go out side and potty less than a minute of lapping water for a full bully. For 3 days I did my best to help my dog down the stairs with our back injuries. The frequency was faster from drink to need to urinate from the day it started to that third day my furry friend, friend for 9 years, I was fortunate to have adopted such a friend. I rushed him to the the veterinarian. My mother’s spending mistakes, sure that is what we will call it, had resulted in her decision to charge me rent at $400 per month. I had $112 left in my checking account that day. The vet determined his kidneys had fully failed. With his suffering with his back and hip injuries, for years, my mother making sure I had as little money as possible, if I had the money would it not be selfish and just more pain for my pet with back and hip surgery? On top of that, if medicated for the kidneys they would not start to function again but the frequency of needing to potty would not decrease nor his limitless thirst. This was the terror I saw in my boys eyes. He was telling me he wanted to go. I could not allow my boy to be in pain and in fear. I had no choice. He was my responsibility. When I returned home I had run out of tears. They yelled and screamed at me calling me an evil being. How dare I end the life of our dog. Our dog? I adopted him as a puppy at 3 months old after I had to put my yellow Labrador Retriever down. She was 17 years old and her body just wanted to shut down. The man that helped me defeat cancer also rescued dogs. The following work day I am shown Emmets puppy picture. I adopted him right after work. I was married 4 years with him as my dog. I was physically assaulted as I tried to move quickly to my room. I had the rest of the day off due to the passing of my dog. My sister would be yelling outside my bedroom door and hitting the door handle with a hammer threatening she is going to end me for ending our dogs life; what is with this “our dog?” When did I become a person in a horror movie? There is no freaking way any one but me would be surviving what has happened and even what was done to my pet; crushed by an old falling man then poisoned by my sister. I pray for calm of mind and thankful I have it. I have had arguments with them many times and it is just no good. They gas-light every time. I found out who was prescribed a diuretic; my sister who loves animals. She thinks no one would believe that she would do that but I found a human diuretic will kill the kidney function of a dog. Well, as my mother, my sister were attacking me verbally, beating at my door with a hammer and threatening my life I just knew to keep the door barred and do not let them in. This was all an act to make me out as a killer of a dog that was in perfect health and she had not done as such. Evidence is evidence and my sister did it. I know she did. I know God helps me keep my anger at bay. There is no reason to retaliate with legal action. My success will be my revenge. My mother never wanted me to succeed so she could have a man to control and use as a tool. God has shown me the path out of this situation. With your help I will create business to employee others and pay forward with my earnings from by battle plan for success.

I had no money , after the divorce, my mother asked me if I could help with Billy’s hospice work once he starting falling. The hospice nurses only came once a day to bathe him but,only 5 days of the week. This was 2 years of being the weekend and the rest of the 22 hours of Monday-Friday hospice worker by force. Neither my mother nor my sister could would help. I provided all food, water, cleaning, diaper change and what ever a dying brain man needed. Billy did not want to die. I know it had to me a special hell for him until he past.

I cleaned up, bathed and changed diapers of a dying man because my mother had run out the room yelling, “I can’t do this! You have to!” I call this forced but he was kind and generous to me before he started falling. He did not mean to fall on my dog. I blame my self for not keeping Emmett away yet no one knew he would start falling. My mother did have a mobile notary job and other side hustles. I have to guess, with my mother’s issues, she just could not ask me kindly to do something I would not volunteer to do ever. It started when I had to clean up one of the worse things a man can do to wain's coating. It took weeks for the odor to vanish. Washing the walls 3 times with a brush and tooth brush. There was no way it was still there but I assume the wood of the wain's coating had absorbed the odor so fast and now its expelling it. He had escaped his hospital bed. Ignored the bed side toilet and proceeded to try to use the restroom, as a normal man would, at the end of the hall. The result was horrific. There was no way to stop the odor from entering my mother’s room. Her office was connected to the master bedroom as a suite. The connect office now Billy’s hospital bedroom. He had graced the entire 26 feet of the hall with a very dirty hand. There would no way be sleep for any soul if my mother had to smell that odor and have to sleep. I scrubbed the walls for hours. That was the last hallway trip for Billy; I doubled the ties on the bed. I know it has to be hard when you loose the ability to do a bodily function, you have done, for years, and now nothing works and a strange man that became your step son is bathing you as your limbs cannot be controlled by your mind. I get it. Before he was bed bound, he had been put in a psych ward for standing out on the deck, with a rifle, and was going to kill me when I returned from Wal-Mart. I am thankful my mother returned home before I had returned. She had convinced Billy to give her the rifle and return to the inside of the home. She then called the sheriff's office. Billy was in a straitjacket with large men dressed in white carrying him by his elbows. This is what I witnessed as I drove up the drive way from my trip to Wal-Mart. The woman that tries to kill me later saves me from being shot. The poor guy was a great shot even with 90% vision loss. I am glad I did not get home before my mother did. I would pick him up months later for Christmas. He was better medicated against hallucinations. This was his last Christmas. By spring he no longer could speak.

I know not nor assume what you are thinking. I just need to thank you for reading and remind you this all happened to me. A family member did pass and a loss of income should be the blame yet I had to take it. I forgive my bat poo crazy mother and sister but I do not have to be subject to their condescending insults and attempts on my life for money. Here is my plan to make millions. I am pretty fast with stocks. What is even faster is an Artificial Intelligence that will be trained with what crypto stocks to monitor and will buy/sell as I have done on paper in simulation. This Artificial Intelligence will need a well built server and professional firewall to protect it from the bad entities of the internet. This server will need to have access the fastest of the high speed internet providers. Thankfully, the next town over, has Fiber Optic internet and it is available at the apartments I have been looking at. With out their knowledge, the funds will be divided into one normal bank account, for helping my mother and sister with house hold needs, and my business account will hold the majority. Again, I no longer hold them responsible for their actions because I believe they are insane. When things get better, financial wise, they will not try something so stupid. I know I am a good person. I make friends where ever I go. What I have endured. I just give God credit. I go to him when I need to do things like this. I still to this day act if nothing has happened. If I mention it , the gas-lighting is repeated. I know they know I did not pass and they did not get to collect.

So, I get the apartment and setup my server and AI. My beyond encrypted cold wallet will be used by my AI. as funds to buy/sell stocks in microseconds. I do not have to watch the screen. It buys / sells / trades crypto currency stocks as if I am working the mouse and keyboard but thousands of times faster.

Only part of your donations will be sent to that cold wallet. A portion will be reserved for household needs. Money has been thin since Billy past and my lose of job, my sister's loss of job as she was almost killed my a semi-tractor truck with trailer. It was horrific. We three are disabled due to injury. I push my self to walk and act as if my right side and partially numb right foot are normal. They are not!
Every ligament on every muscle, on my right side, tear from the muscle too easy. I still have striation lines on my right big toe. They are almost gone but used to be on every nail of my right toes. I know that is a sign of malnutrition but it was only my right foot. Today the left half of the big toe has striation lines. I still cannot feel the center toes of my foot. The right arm just has no strength. I do not know the length of time it took to make my left side white as a sheet and the right side all blue and gray with deep pool blobs and my right foot nearly black. It has taken years to recover and I am so far from it. My right foot is no longer black and it is much better than 2017. There is a suite of supplements that can help. There are natural supplicants for my AD-HD as they will no longer prescribe Adderall to me due to my age. They know my kidneys tested as a kid right? That does not matter. I will be OK with the natural AD-HD solution when I can afford it. The loss of being able to lift 40 pounds , due to my ruptured cervical disc in my lower back. It is replaced by a bloody scab. I have almost convinced my mother, with evidence from a doctor, bit will take all but take a whip to my back, to force me to lift/move something then I get injured again. This puts me bed for weeks as a new scab forms. I now tell my mother her request is impossible. I have to refuse or get further injured.

I need this apartment to get away from them. I need it to house my server. They will not know as the apartment will only contain my network rack with my server, firewall blade and an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for each device and the hardware that powers the (ONT) optical network translator. This way it can turbo trade even if the power goes out. While I am getting or waiting for an available apartment I will help shop for things we as a family need. Food, clean water, pet food, toiletries. I will also hire a maid service to clean the house. House cleaning is the reason she wants to abandon or sell this home. With the help of a maid, she can rest. This will give me time to setup my apartment with the A.I. and furnish it with a longer than a California king. I am really tall and this standard king I bought years ago, my feet go numb if they hang off the mattress. With all I have endured I need a break; please. I will not stay at the apartment at first. With the maid keeping the home clean I will also find a cook if my mom wants help with that. I will also buy the 6 dogs raw food as some of their skin issues are due to they bad stuff in kibble. Money provides options. I need to show my mother and sister the honorable gentleman they tried to kill for cash. I will not pursue a conviction. I want and need to gracefully exit. The plan is move to the apartment. The A.I. will create further funds I can use to hire a lawyer to form the list of LLCs I want to keep my mother in the dark as one of the LLCs will make an offer on her house. While I am in the apartment I will start hiring the repairmen to fix the many issues with the house. It may play out they wish to stay here since I am helping as I said I could. That is fine. As long as they do not ask me to do a single thing. I need to get to Colorado ASAP as in Colorado Springs is the otolaryngologist that corrected my sinus that had made me the sickest kid I was when I was young. That was years ago. With your donations, I know this Doctor and he will order the MRI I have chased for years here in Texas. All I get were 3 of them that would not help me as the fungus is touching my brain from within the sinus. It is not a question of if it will kill me but of when it will. With my sister’s wreck, my mother has worked as her aid as well as I. My sister now has had all her injuries surgically corrected. A car wreck caused my sister’s disabilities. Traumatic Brain Injury with nerve damage.
My injuries were cause by my mother’s lies about cleaning her new husbands former home that had not had any power on in a year. I have no one but my mother, my sister and my self to blame for allowing such behavior but providing financial aid seems to be the power of this home. I have none, at age 51, but I am and will change this with your help.

I have even called and spoke with the deputy sheriff of this county. He just tells me to save money and move out. Really? If I did not feel helpless, I do now. If they had come to arrest my mother they would have to have jailed her. I know her. I would not have slept a wink with out crazy late night phone calls and beating on my bed room door all night. God works in mysterious ways and I have witnessed as I witness to you. I am glad they did not come to the house.

My sister, 2 years ago, before they tried to off me, and told me of how she has seen teens make millions of Crypto trading and creation of NFTs. She wondered why I did not pursue those avenues. I informed her all those teens had very successful parents and those parents provided the funds for the hardware/computers and training to do those things. The parents had the money to invest. I have no money. No money, no stock nor NFT training. No NFT creation, it takes money to house your NFT suite for trading or sale. I know how to do all this and man I am itching to start.

I need you to understand I want to be well but I am not. I have central sleep apnea. Because I inhaled dried rat feces, that was rat poison they had devoured, I got the large balls of that nasty stuff years ago but this specialized parasitic fungus, I have not been able to remove it. All the rat crap did come out before I passed in my sleep. The poison was up there near my brain to do the damage. After all the black and orange poison came out two sinus passages had the fungus growing in them. I did get the one out, with a sinus rinse and a specialized tea. It is white and almost hard as a golf ball. It was shaped like a closed mushroom. I regret letting down the drain. I was able to get one of the otolaryngologist to admit it was in the 7th sinus pocket behind my left eye and my brain. He finally admitted he wished to refuse me as he was worried he would injure my brain. This thing is growing and has been for years. For so long I have figured out what can injure it but I just cannot kill it. If I could smoke enough cigarettes they may kill it but with the amount I need to smoke I would die from cigarettes. I do not smoke now but recently smoked 4 packs. I have the money to buy a new pack but I am not. I know it stops the metabolism of the fungus because I can feel the pressure on my eye and brain. Also, once I was half way into the recent 1st pack that I started the left side of my face was no longer numb. During last Christmas found the herb/spice Anise also worked like cigarettes. This was safer. I just want it to stop growing but it has already grown so large it has to surgically removed. Depending on the speed and amount of funds will determine what I can do first. My mind is thinking get this darn thing out of my head 1st thing but that may not be possible. I really need that server running my AI. This was the item I was shown to be my future option maker.
With more money , I will have more options. I am asking for up to six figures. I need a break from being a tool. I need the funds to make passive income that will allow me to have this monster out of my head. I forgot to mention. My central sleep apnea. I cannot and have not been able to use my CPAP. The air pressure, from the nasal pillows, caused my left eye to exit its socket and the octal migraines are horrible. I am a back sleeper and that is when my throat closes. No drug, no surgery can cure this. I refuse to have an implant for sleep apnea when removal of this parasite will allow me to use my CPAP again. Wait, my CPAP has expired. I have had this monster in my head so long I need a new CPAP. I promise I will not buy it until I am healed from my sinus surgery. This is why I need my AI. running in that apartment first. It can be working while I am having surgery. I know this will work. Please help me. I will get all the medical stuff I need done and hire people to help me mother and sister since I will not be able. Please fund me to help me fix my body and be honorable and help my mother and sister. Please. Why did I ask for six figures. I need a jump start. I do not want to suffer at other’s hands and cruelty any longer. I will have 1 regular bank account. This will pay the house bills, internet, gas and electricity. It will also hire the help and the plumber to fix that natural gas leak under the house in the kitchen. The leak is not enough to cause an explosion unless the house is locked up for weeks, then it may be an issue. It is just one of those things my mother just cant afford to fix. I need control of funds as she has no idea how to deal with plumbers. I can do multitasking. Calling plumbers and visiting apartments and so on. The rest of the donations will be divided into multiple crypto cold wallets. Only one of the wallets will be given to the AI. to work with. I am 1000% positive this will generate wealth like no other BUT I will have back up accounts just in case. Anytime I have done something huge I like to have redundancy. I lost a drive once. A lot a precious data vanished. Good thing I had an off-site backup storage solution. New drive and restore from backup. Once the bot has doubled its money I then start to scale. I will create another instance of the AI. I will then assign the next cold wallet to the 2nd AI. Having two bots running stocks. By the 3rd instance of the AI. money will cease to exist as a item to think about. At that point I have any option I want to have. I need a lot of work done to this body of mine. As I am healing, all I need is my cell phone and I can control my AI. from anywhere in the world. I can move funds safely to projects that need it. The family will not have to stress about bills. The pets will have the best food. God needs me. He knows when I am the provider, the women will change for the better. I know you can help me create the vision I was given to me by our Lord. Thank you so very much for reading. God Bless You.

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